UCI Campus Writing & Communication Coordination

The CWCC honors the decentralized nature of disciplinary instruction at UCI by supporting and connecting writing efforts across the campus through workshops, consultations, and writing program assessment and research. The CWCC sponsors the Center for Excellence of Writing and Communication and the Writing Across the Curriculum + Writing in the Disciplines Program.

Winter Quarter 2025 Events

Registration is now open for Winter Quarter 2025 workshops hosted by the CWCC and WAC+WID Program.


The Campus Writing and Communication Coordinator’s office supports faculty teaching writing in the disciplines, offers consultations with departments and instructors, and helps create opportunities for students to write together across campus. Read more about our programming goals in our newsletters.

We are here to support you and your pedagogy guided by our philosophy. Whether you are looking for some quick advice on a writing assignment or more in-depth support for developing a course, we can provide different amounts of support. Get in touch with the links below or get to know us!


Time commitment: ~1-2 hours


Time commitment: ~1-2 weeks

  • Join our Writing Pedagogy Certificate 3-Day Intensive Program (Coming Soon!)
  • Request a series of consultations developing classroom materials
  • Design a workshop with your department specifically for teachers in your discipline


Time commitment: a quarter or longer

Our work is supported by our two programming pillars:

The Writing Center

The CWCC launched the Center for Excellence in Writing and Communication in 2011. The CEWC offers a variety of resources, workshop, and tutoring to help support students at all points in their writing process.

WAC + WID Program

The Writing Across the Curriculum + Writing in the Disciplines Program supports all faculty, graduate instructors, and teaching assistants across campus with issues related to teaching with writing. 

Check out our Communication Spotlight!

This spotlight features innovative instructors who teach written, oral, digital/technological, kinetic, and visual communication modes. Check out some of our recent spotlights for resources on how to implement communication assignments in your classroom.

Want to consult about designing a communication assignment?

We'd Love to Talk to You!

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