Current Events

Winter 2025 At A Glance

Most of our workshops are offered twice — in-person and online. Workshops are not recorded. While both the in-person and online versions of our workshops are interactive, the in-person versions often transform into consultations with time to review specific materials and approaches. 

Week Four

Promoting Student Revision

Week Five

The Power (of) Talk: Using Conferences to Support Student Writing

Week Six

Designing Peer Response Activities

Week Seven

Using Writing to Foster Academic Belonging

Promoting Student Revision

Facilitated by Leah Senatro, GSR for the Campus Writing + Communication Coordinator

Revision is one of the most difficult parts of writing, even for experienced writers. In this workshop, we discuss how scaffolded writing assignments and transparent rubrics can help promote student’s self-revision. We also explore different strategies including in-class workshops, metacognitive writing, and using AI tools to encourage students to read, assess, and transform their own writing.

In-Person Workshop:

🗓️ Tuesday January 28, 2025, 10:00-11:00 am

📍 Science Library 193

Online Workshop:

🗓️ January 29, 2025, 2:00-3:00 pm

📍 Zoom link sent to registrants

The Power (of) Talk: Using Conferences to Support Student Writing

Facilitated by Patrick Bonczyk, WAC+WID Coordinator

Conferencing (or one-on-one or small group meetings) with students can clarify students’ paper ideas, solidify class standards, build rapport between student and instructor, and when done well, can usher in “eureka” moments for your class. In this one-hour workshop, we discuss and practice conferencing strategies and review digital tools (Zoom, etc.) that allow instructors and teaching assistants to make effective use of office hours, paper conferences, and online consultations.

In-Person Workshop:

🗓️Tuesday February 4, 2025, 10:00-11:00 am

📍 Science Library 193

Online Workshop:

🗓️Wednesday February 5, 2025, 2:00-3:00 pm

📍 Zoom link sent to registrants

Designing Peer Response Activities

Facilitated by Leah Senatro, GSR for the Campus Writing + Communication Coordinator

How can peer response strategies be implemented in ways that generate meaningful feedback without tremendous time and resource commitments? This workshop focuses on the development of effective peer response activities, including the design of instructions, peer review rubrics, and supplemental documents like revision memos.

In-Person Workshop:

🗓️ Thursday February 13, 2025, 2:00-3:00 pm

📍 Science Library 193

Online Workshop:

🗓️ Friday February 14, 2025, 9:00-10:00 am

📍 Zoom link sent to registrants

Using Writing to Foster Academic Belonging

Facilitated by Patrick Bonczyk, WAC+WID Coordinator

Students are more likely to experience a sense of academic belonging when they believe they can engage authentically and actively in the intellectual, professional, and social work in the classroom. In this one-hour workshop, we will consider writing activities that can promote belonging with writing on the course syllabus, assignment prompts, and assessments to create a supportive learning environment for students.

In-Person Workshop:

🗓️ Tuesday February 18, 2025, 10:00-11:00 am

📍 Science Library 193

Online Workshop:

🗓️ Wednesday February 19, 2025, 2:00-3:00 pm

📍 Zoom link sent to registrants

What people are saying about our workshops
“The workshop was both informative and highly practice-oriented as well as quite conducive to some interesting extended discussions and reflections related to the topic of the workshop and to teaching writing or developing our students’ communication skills in general.”
What people are saying about our workshops
“Thanks for hosting the workshop, I am always glad for an opportunity to hear about how I might improve my feedback on writing assignments and my course structure in general.”
What people are saying about our workshops
“I liked that there was plenty of opportunity for discussion and sharing our own experiences. The fact that it was a small group definitely added to that and being able to get individual advice/feedback.”

Do you have a workshop suggestion? Or are you interested in hosting a department-specific workshop?