Writing Pedagogy Certificate Program

UCI Writing Program Info

Registration for Cohort 1 is Now Closed. Registration for Cohort 2 will open in Fall 2024.

In collaboration with UCI’s Campus Writing & Communication Coordinator, the  WAC+WID Program offers a Writing Pedagogy Certificate Program, available for all campus instructors and graduate teaching assistants who would like to (1) learn more about teaching with writing, (2) develop teaching materials for specific courses in their discipline and department, and (3) participate in a cross-curricular learning community. 

To earn their certificate, participants complete a self-paced, 5-module course on Canvas: 

  • Module 1: Articulating & Aligning Learning Outcomes, Writing Assessments & Writing Abilities
  • Module 2: Designing a Signature Writing Assignment
  • Module 3: Responding to and Grading Student Writing
  • Module 4: Scaffolding and Sequencing Writing 
  • Module 5: Creating a Promising Syllabus and Diagnostic Writing Tasks

As they work their way through the modules, participants give and receive feedback on teaching artifacts with fellow participants and colleagues in the Campus Writing & Communication Coordinator (CWCC), Writing Across the Curriculum + Writing in the Disciplines Program (WAC+WID), and Center for Excellence in Writing & Communication (CWEC). Certificates are conferred to participants upon review of a final e-portfolio of course materials. Participants also have opportunities to use in-person and zoom-based workshops in the WAC+WID Program to develop materials for their certificate.

The first cohort of the Writing Pedagogy Certificate began in January 2024. Registration for Cohort 1 is now closed. Registration for Cohort 2 will open in Fall 2024.

Congratulations to the Spring 2024 Certificate Recipients!