Writing Course Placement Information
Writing Course Placement helps students navigate where they will start their writing journey at UCI. While this process has a variety of components that we use to determine your placement, we’ll help guide you through the necessary steps to ensure the classes you take will match your previous writing experience.

All incoming students will receive a placement into UC Irvine writing courses. UC Irvine writing faculty will be placing students into courses during summer.
In order for students to receive their writing placements before they attend their academic advising session during summer orientation, students must do the following:
- Complete the Writing Course Placement Portfolio
- Submit their scores, if they have them, from tests such as AP English Language, AP English Literature, AP Research, or AP Seminar; the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT); American College Testing (ACT); and/or the International Baccalaureate (IB).
- These scores, if available, should be submitted to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions by July 1, 2024. If scores are not available by July 1, students should submit them as soon as possible after that date.
The writing placement process takes into consideration all relevant information from students’ records. Providing the scores requested will assist greatly in placing students in writing courses best suited to foster their academic success.
All incoming students will be notified of their placements or whether further steps must be taken to determine placement.
Lower Division Writing Course Petitions
If you have taken an English composition writing course at a college outside of California and wish to petition a lower division writing course at UCI, you will need to fill out the petition by clicking here:
Entry Level Writing: https://forms.gle/jp81sYtgA6A2NnwL6
Writing 50/Writing 60: https://forms.gle/ArTpQMYzd3p66k9m6
Your petition will be reviewed by the UCI Writing Placement Team, and then they will contact you via email with the decision. A copy of the decision will also be sent to your counseling office.
If you took the writing course at a California community college, you do not need to fill out a petition but please consult with an academic advisor in the school of your major for assistance in determining if the class you took is transferable.
If you have questions regarding the petition process, please reach out to: writingplacement@uci.edu.
Transfer Course Credit Information for Advisors
The initial writing placement process does not review outside writing/composition coursework at another institution.
Students who have self-reported college credit for writing have been notified to inform their advisor during orientation to determine how their course credit may impact their writing placement.
In general, these students are in one of two situations:
- The student has no placement scores, and their portfolio submission will serve as their placement. They could still place higher based on writing college credit.
- The student has been placed based on scores, but may achieve a higher placement based on their writing college credit.
Students with eligible college credit for writing requirements at UCI will be reviewed in one or both of the following ways:
Admissions Record Review
Once an Admissions Counselor updates ELWR to “Satisfied”, the student may register for WRITING 50 or HUMAN 1AS, no additional CPEP is needed.
During Orientation Advising & Registration
Academic advisors will need to review a student’s potential writing coursework during orientation and then CPEP the student to allow them to register for the appropriate courses in either of the following situations:
1. Admissions may not be able to process a student’s coursework in time for their on-campus orientation session. In these cases, an academic advisor would review eligible coursework and CPEP a student for WRITING 50 or HUMAN 1AS, if appropriate.
2. If a student has coursework beyond ELWR, this may require review by an academic advisor. Admissions does not determine any requirement fulfillment other than ELWR.
For out-of-state course and UC course review, ELWR credit is reviewed by Admissions, and LDW credit is reviewed by Writing Placement. See petition links above.
California Community College courses that meet IGETC Area 1A are eligible for Entry Level Writing (this would be cleared by Admissions). Courses that meet IGETC Area 1B should be eligible for Lower Division Writing (UCI GE 1A) credit. Please note that IGETC Area 1C does *not* meet this requirement. Consult ASSIST for IGETC equivalency.
Per the catalogue, “for the purpose of counting courses for the UCI GE requirement, one semester course is equivalent to one quarter course, and two semester courses are equivalent to three quarter courses.” As a general rule for writing requirements, one transfer semester course (IGETC 1A) is equivalent to Entry Level Writing (WR 40) at UCI, and two transfer semester courses (IGETC 1A+1B) are equivalent to Entry Level Writing plus both Lower Division Writing courses (WR 50 and 60) at UCI. See diagram below.

Students who have completed enough transfer credits to clear all LDW courses (ELWR plus UCI GE 1A), will need a CPEP entered for “Lower Division Writing – Prerequisite Satisfied”. This CPEP clears the student for Upper-Division Writing (UDW). These would also need to have their DegreeWorks updated to clear GE 1A (WR50 + WR60).

Emily Brauer Rogers
Writing Placement Coordinator
Emily Brauer Rogers is a Senior Lecturer in the Composition Program at UC Irvine as well as serving as the Writing Placement Coordinator. She has taught both upper and lower division writing for almost twenty years. She also served as the course director for Writing 39B (now Writing 50) and the Online and Instructional Technologies Coordinator for the Composition Program. In her role as Writing Placement Coordinator, she enjoys helping students find the best place to start their writing journey at UCI. She has developed two online writing courses for UC’s Online Education and previously worked as an Instructional Designer at UCI’s DLC. She received her Masters in Professional Writing from University of Southern California in playwriting and screenwriting.
Still Have Questions?
For questions about the writing placement process please email writingplacement@uci.edu.