Graduate Scholars & Their Projects

2024-2025 Cohort

Maryam Hassani


Working Project Title: “Exploring the Impact of Guided AI Integration on STEM Students’ Writing Assignments and Anxiety”

Diana M. Fathi


Working Project Title: “The Performative Act of Writing: Connecting Artistic Practice and Critical Reflection in Theatre Studies”

Tracy Uzoigwe

Cognitive Science

Working Project Title: “Impact of Iterative Feedback on Student’s Scientific Writing in Neuroscience Courses”

Kameko Washburn

Health, Society, and Behavior

Working Project Title: “Investigating Strategies for Effective and Equitable Team-Based Writing Assignments”

Winter-Spring 2024 Cohort

Clay Ammentorp

Clay Ammentorp


Speed-Revision: Tracking the Impact of Accelerated Peer Feedback on Process Writing

Nora Bradford

Nora Bradford

Cognitive Science

Research Project: The Potential of Stylistic Self-revision to Improve Disciplinary Content Understanding 

Amy Gilmore

Amy Gilmore

Political Science

Jiaxuan Li

Jiaxuan Li

Language Science

Research Project: ChatGPT in the Classroom: How does the use of Generative AI Tools Impact Students’ Writing Quality and Conceptual Learning?

Matthew Madruga

Matthew Madruga


Research Project: Writing Ethically: Being Ethical — Can writing about ethics or moral theory improve a student’s ethics? 

Katya Moiseeva

Katya Moiseeva

Criminology, Law & Society

Research Project: The Role of Reflective Writing in Teaching Controversial Topics

Emily Parise

Emily Parise

Drama and Theatre

Research Project: Undergraduate Student Attitudes and Improvements Throughout the Revision Process

Mahkameh Rasouli

Mahkameh Rasouli

Nursing Science

Research Project: Examining the Impact of Guided ChatGPT Utilization on Nursing Undergraduate Students’ Self-Efficacy in Assignment Completion

Waverly Tseng

Waverly Tseng


Research Project: How do students engage with a generative AI tool to support their writing process, and how does use of the tool affect their comfort with writing?

Fuxin Zhai

Fuxin Zhai


Research Project: How do students write the risk factor section of the S-1 Form professionally in the IPO document by learning from past IPO documents and professionals in industry?

Learn More About our WAC+WID Graduate Scholars Program!