Resources for Writing Instruction
The Center for Excellence in Writing and Communication (CEWC)
Opened in 2012 and affiliated with the CWCC, the CEWC provides a range of writing skills development opportunities for students. We recommend that you make the existence of such services known to your students on your course syllabi. CEWC staff offer workshops for faculty and instructors, and staff can also arrange to visit your class to present to your students.
Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation (DTEI)
The mission of the DTEI at UCI is to improve the quality of teaching and learning through pedagogical development for faculty and teaching assistants, to promote the use of innovative teaching techniques, including the use of instructional technology, and to foster campus-wide conversation about enhancing student learning through innovative teaching.
Writing Across the Curriculum Clearinghouse
The WAC Clearinghouse, maintained by Colorado State University, offers a tremendous set of resources for faculty who teach both writing across the curriculum and writing in the disciplines. Research reports and scholarly studies complement practical advice on this must-see website.
If you encounter plagiarism, please see the website of the Office of Academic Integrity & Student Conduct. This site contains links to the forms you will need to fill out, as well as resources for determining your next steps when you have found instances of plagiarism.
We also recommend that you develop curricula that teach students about citing sources properly. We need to communicate with students about WHY we are asking them to consult “outside” sources as a means of creating knowledge. Doing so will help them understand how scholars, academics, and citizens construct knowledge and participate effectively—and ethically—in the many conversations of the academy in particular and our society in general.
You can also consult the Council of Writing Program Administrators: Defining and Avoiding Plagiarism: The WPA Statement on Best Practices.